Welcome Abecedarians – those of you fascinated with the alphabet and alphabet books. (I’ve been waiting to use that word!) Are you considering writing one of your own? Why, it’s as easy as ABC, right? Well, here are the top 5 things to think about before you begin: 1. The Market There are hundreds […]
alphabet books
The Letter Z – last but not least
Welcome to to A Field Trip Life and the final day of the A to Z April Blog Challenge. I have been spending the month reading and sharing alphabet books and Ta da! – we have arrived at the letter Z. There are no shortage of alphabet books that feature the ultimate letter. First, let […]
X calls for change!
Who decided the order of the alphabet? Well, the letter X is not too happy about his place in the lineup. A Call for a New Alphabet by Jef Czekaj Charlesbridge 2011 38 page graphic alphabet book This is not your typical X is for… alphabet book but rather it is a humorous […]
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you want to be when you grow up? is a question often asked of children. Well, today’s alphabet book features some occupations that most children (and adults) have not considered. WORK: AN OCCUPATIONAL ABC Written and illustrated by Kellen Hatanak Groundwood Books 2014 32 nonfiction picture book alphabet The twenty-six letters of […]
V is for Venus: A Plant Alphabet
Welcome to A Field Trip Life where I am posting through the alphabet during the April A to Z Blog Challenge. My theme this year is Alphabet Books and today’s letter is V. V is for Venus Flytrap: A Plant Alphabet By Eugene Gagliano (author) and Elizabeth Traynor (illustrator) Sleeping Bear Press 2009 Nonfiction […]