D is For Dewey
Welcome to Day 4 of the A to Z Blog Challenge!
It can seem overwhelming at times to find a book in the library. Thankfully, there’s a system used in public libraries – the Dewey decimal System developed by (drumroll please) Melvin Dewey!
Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey was born in 1851 in New York. He thought spelling should be simplified so he shortened his first name to Melvil, dropped his middle names, and for a while spelled his last name as Dui.
Dewey went to Amherst College and worked as an assistant in the library. At the time, librarians organized books in ways that made sense to them. Unfortunately, this made things difficult when patrons or librarians went to different libraries. So, Dewey figured out a way to standardize cataloging and developed the Dewey decimal System. This system revolutionized libraries. Dewey went on to help form the American Library Association. He also began the periodical, Library Journal, started a library supply company, became the librarian at Columbia, and founded the world’s first school of library science and demanded that women be admitted.
For some awesome (and humorous) insight into the Dewey Decimal System check out Teach Me How to Dewey (the first graphic of Dewey is from this site)
I like this poster by Grant Snider – Incidental Comics – “The Library”
Here’s a Dewey Decimal chart – do you have a special section? I’m partial to 398.2
Eva says
I din’t know that decimal system was due to Dewey.And about the simplification of his name… well, this man loved simplification above all, doesn’t he?
Claire Annette Noland says
He sure made it simpler to find one’s way around a library!
Stephanie says
Yay Dewey! I worked in the library during my college years and would do it again if I ever have to change careers. Loved it!
A to Zer
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail CreationsLetterB
Claire Annette Noland says
I also loved working in the library and now am happy to be a friend of libraries.