10 Thoughts about the A-Z Blog Challenge
I woke up on May 1st feeling like I was forgetting something. Did I actually make it to Z? Yes, I did! I’d like to say thanks to Arlee Bird, Challenge founder and the great co-hosts.
Here are my reflective thoughts in no particular order:
- The second year doing the challenge was easier than the first year.
- Short posts are better than long posts. I get too wordy and I realized I liked reading shorter posts.
- When it was hard to find a place to comment I didn’t – no matter how great the post was.
- It was wonderful to see so many different blog layouts. I got some great ideas.
- Black background with aqua text is very hard to read.
- I had fun with my theme- “Read Your World with Kid’s Books.”
- O was my toughest letter. I finally found a book set in Oman. Thankfully it was a really interesting book – The Turtle of Oman by Naomi Shihab Nye
- Pam’s Unconventional Alliance was awesome! I was honored to be one of her minions.
- It is fun to promote other great blogs I discovered and even more fun when those bloggers made comments on my blog.
- I can’t wait for next year. I have my theme ready and will be making notes in the months to come.
Here are some blogs I really liked that you should check out as you cruise through the list in the next few months:
Pam at http://unconventionallibrarian.com/
Evelyne at http://evelyneholingue.com/
Arlee Bird at http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/
Anna at http://www.wellhellohandbag.com/
Linda at http://publishingbones.com/
S.L. Hennessy at http://pensuasion.blogspot.com/
Stephen Tremp at http://authorstephentremp.blogspot.com/
Rosie at https://rosieamber.wordpress.com/
Betty at http://viewsfrombenches.blogspot.com/
Livia Quinn at http://liviaquinn.com/
John Miller at https://theartisticchristian.wordpress.com/
Ellen at http://thecynicalsailor.blogspot.com/
Anabel at https://anabelsblog.wordpress.com
Veronica at http://owlwonder.com/
Donna at http://www.donnamcdine.com/
Charlotte at https://mygreennook.wordpress.com
Kern at http://www.oddparticle.com/
Jennifer at http://j-scribbles.blogspot.com/
Sarah at http://travelswithchoppy.com/
Sandy at http://homelessbridge.blogspot.com/
Debbie D at http://thedogladysden.com/
Thanks for the shout out I really enjoyed your theme.
Hi Rosie
I’ve really enjoyed your blog posts!
I really like the idea of blogging A to Z. Was it a contest as well?
Hi Tina, it wasn’t part of a contest even though I feel like I won a prize just for finishing. Why don’t you join in the fun next April?
Well how sweet you are to make the list. Many thanks for doing that. I too have given some thought to next year, but…just not sold on anything yet. Repeating wouldn’t be a good idea, I don’t think…..probably couldn’t come up with that much new material…even if the topics were the same? Just don’t ow.
Your response to the challenge was awesome, Claire. Thank you for adding my blog to the ones you’ve enjoyed reading in April. It’s really generous and I appreciate the gesture. See you soon.
Thank you so much for including our blog in your list! I feel quite honored. I really enjoyed your A to Z posts – fantastic theme! Can’t wait to see what you do next year 🙂
Oh that was so sweet of you to list my blog 🙂 I like your reflection post and I agree with you about the comments; if they were hard to leave, I didn’t leave one. Good for you that you have a theme already picked for next year! I’m going between several, not sure where I’ll land for the theme for 2016 🙂
Sandy at Bridge and Beyond, Annoucing a Contest
Congratulations on finishing the challenge and thanks so much for including me on your list.! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to visit before, but I was having a rough time this year. Will definitely be better organized next time. You are doing well to be planning for the 2016 challenge, already.
Great observations, Claire. Some of what you mentioned here rings familiar, as I”d done A to Z for two years. I might have an idea for next year, but I can’t just put it together next March. I’m already working ahead right now!
I’m so honored to have made your list! Wow! That means so much! And I’m even more glad to hear you had a good time with the challenge and this year was easier – I agree, the more years I participate, the easier it gets.
Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!
Mary @ http://www.JingleJangleJungle.net
I’ve popped in a dozen or so times since the completion of a to z, but can’t tell if you’er still blogging? Sorry for the 2nd note here on the same blog post, just thought this time I’d leave you a note to see if you’re still at it. Let me know.
I wish I had found your blog sooner. But thankfully we have the Road Trip.
Glad to knowyou’re ok. Be safe and good luck with the research!
Congratulations on finishing! This is a great reflections post. Looks like you found some really good blogs. I am on the A to Z Road trip finding those I didn’t get to see the first time. Good luck! I agree with you about trying to comment. Some blogs it was just too hard to find the comment spot so I moved on. It’s a shame they done make that easier
Loving your theme 🙂 I think it’s really interesting seeing what everyone chose for their themes!
Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip
Hi Debbie,
So nice of you to stop by. I just visited your blog and will join the fiction linky if I can figure out how to do it.
I’ve been amazed by the creativity of so many bloggers. I’ve learned a lot, too. Hooray for the A to Z Road Trip.
Those are some good reflections. 2015 was my first year and this year, I am also writing shorter posts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
So glad to be in Pam’s Alliance with you!
Hello Claire!
I am Chicky from India. Hopped over from the Theme Reveal linky for this year. I love what you have done with your blog design! Beautiful aesthetically as well as functionally!
I was looking for your theme reveal post for this year, but instead, found this one. What are you blogging about this year?
Looking forward to connecting with you.
Hi Chicky,
I love your name! This year I’m looking for mermaids around the world from A to Z. Thanks for stopping by.