S is for Stereotypes in today’s A to Z Blog Challenge. Librarians are usually described as:
A dowdy white woman with mousey hair who wears frumpy clothes.
Or as a stern and unapproachable woman who holds guard over her library realm.
Librarians belong to a profession with mostly negative stereotypes. The librarians I know are actually helpful, knowledgeable, friendly and include both men and women of all ages, races, and cultures. So, time to toss the old ideas and celebrate those men and women who help us to manage information and know how to have a good time in the process.
Check out this article on the 11 Coolest Librarians from Pop Culture:
(Mrs. Phelps the Librarian in the theatrical version Mathilda played by Ora Jones)
Librarians from Rhode Island had a great idea to bust stereotypes. They put together a calendar entitled, “Tattooed Librarians of the Ocean State,” as a fundraiser for the RI Library Association.
Here’s a new wardrobe for Ms. Librarian:
Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve always liked libraries and associate librarians as nice people who allow you access to books 🙂
Very true! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Claire – yes we could ban the frumpy Librarians … and as you say Librarians come from all walks of life …. Now I’d quite like to do a Librarians Course … it’s the kind of thing I’d find really stimulating …
Love the idea of the tattoo librarians’ calendar … thanks and cheers and see you next week … Hilary
Don’t you love creative fund raising? Tattooed Librarians – brilliant and unexpected!
I agree with you:there are a lot of stereotypes around librarians, especially female (like around other professions… especially for female, too, alas). Almost all the librarians I have met so far were really helpful. And they read a lot… so good conversation is granted! 😀
Eva – Mail Adventures
Yes, librarians always have something interesting to talk about!