Who decided the order of the alphabet? Well, the letter X is not too happy about his place in the lineup.
A Call for a New Alphabet
by Jef Czekaj
Charlesbridge 2011
38 page graphic alphabet book
This is not your typical X is for… alphabet book but rather it is a humorous story narrated by X in graphic novel form. Things are just fin in Alphabet City except…
So, X tries to convince the other letters to change places. He asks Q if he isn’t bored being stuck next to u all the time and if I and e aren’t tired of switching places whenever the letter c comes into the picture?
That night, X has a nightmare. When he wakes up, he realizes that the alphabet is perfect just the way it is.
The clever illustrations show letters with items that correlate with that letter like Y carrying a yo-yo, R with roller skates, and U wearing underwear. Not only is this a fun book to read but there’s lots of grammar and spelling information shared in a way that’s anything but boring!
Are there any English spelling rules that you find odd or confusing?
I’m sharing alphabet books for the 10th annual A to Z April Blog Challenge. Thanks for stopping by!
Kaddu says
Wow! This is an amazing book! I totally love it! I’m going to see if I can find it on Amazon India, for my niece. Well she is only on1 right now, but this would be an interesting book in her library after a few years, won’t it?
Find my X post @ 5 Must-Watch English Movies Set In Foreign Countries That Xenophiles Will Love
Eva says
X has always been a difficult letter. This book is a find!