I always feel energized when I learn to do something new. So, I was excited to begin a blog but was quickly overwhelmed. I am not tech savvy and blogging was requiring more skills than I had.
I came across the a-z blog challenge when I was reading through some terrific blogs. I love a good challenge and I was spurred into action. I decided that if I couldn’t learn to blog in 26 days then I should give it up. I’ve heard that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so 26 days of blogging sounded just about right.
I’m happy to report that I did it!!! I learned to upload files, add links, and write on a schedule. I still have lots to learn but I am making progress. Plus, I’ve been introduced to some fantastic bloggers and their blogs.
Cheers to all who participated in the 2014 a-z blog challenge and a big Hip, Hip, Hooray to those who organized and monitored the challenge!
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