A few months ago my daughter, Roxanne, suggested that we go and decorate the Rose Parade float built by the students at the Cal Poly Universities. I’m always ready for a field trip so we signed up. Unfortunately, Roxanne was scheduled to work on campus so my brother, John, joined me. We kept asking ourselves why, since we grew up near Pasadena, had we never worked on a float?
The Pasadena Rose Committee announces the theme in January and the students hold a contest to choose the design. The theme for the 126th Rose Parade is “Inspiring Stories.” The Cal Poly students chose “Soaring Stories” as their theme interpretation. How perfect is that?
Here’s the drawing of Cal Poly’s design:
The students work for nearly a year to make this float. Engineering students work on the mechanical parts. The students grow flowers and fund raise to put this amazing work of art together. They wear union suits with this cool logo:
They even set up a shop to help earn money for this huge project. Carrie designed this patch:
Deco week is when students, alumni, parents, and friends go to the tent set up near the Rose Bowl to decorate.
The students are organized and ready for volunteers. My brother and I put Christmas tree boughs on the sides and seaweed on pool noodles to make the binding of a book.
Families are welcome:
The float must be completely covered with plant material. It is amazing what materials are used:
crushed marigolds
pampas grass
poppy seed
onion seed
and tons of flowers of many varieties
It takes a lot of time and patience to do the detail work.
The Griffin will be soaring on toward Orange Grove tonight for its New Year’s trip down Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. It will be near the end of the parade so be on the lookout for it if you watch it on t.v.
Happy New Year and may your year be filled with inspiring stories!
Here’s an update:
PASADENA, Calif. — The Cal Poly universities’ Tournament of Roses Parade float has done it again.
For the 53rd time since 1949, the only student-built float earned special honors at the 126th Tournament of Roses Parade held New Year’s Day. “Soaring Stories” won the Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy for the most beautiful non-commercial float.
“A lot of texts have been flying. Everybody is excited,” Josh D’Acquisto, Cal Poly’s Rose Parade float advisor, said two hours before the parade began. “ ‘Boy Scouts will be front of the float,’ is what we always say. If you win a trophy then there are Boy Scouts out in front of your float carrying a banner. You always want to be led by the Boy Scouts.”
You can read the entire article here: http://www.calpolynews.calpoly.edu/news_releases/2015/January/2015_Rose_Parade.html
Evelyne says
I never went to see the parade, but with a son at Cal Poly I have no excuse, really. Good for you and your brother! The artwork is great and I love the list of ingredients to create this unique float. Happy New Year, Claire!
Claire Annette Noland says
Perhaps you could go with your family while your son is attending CalPoly.
Happy New Year to you too and may your 2015 be filled with inspiring stories.
Flora Burlingame says
Thanks, for sharing, Claire. This is the best picture of this year’s float I have seen. We were very aware of the Cal Poly floats while our son attended at the Pomona campus. He did the electronic engineering his senior year and rode in the float during the parade. He and his wife met because of the floats–she was president of the support group on campus. Each year when the two campuses got together to finish the float we hosted students from both schools because we lived in Temple city. They would come in at all hours of the night and crash on our living room floor. It was a fun time for all of us!
Claire Annette Noland says
Thanks for visiting, Flora. That must have been a blast for your son to ride on the float. The Cal Poly kids were so friendly and really appreciated our help. They are so resourceful and clever. I’m planning on going back to work on next year’s float.
Nancy Ralston says
What a neat experience. Enjoyed all the details. Sounds like so much work and time go into this, but it was well worth the effort.
Claire Annette Noland says
Hi Nancy, I certainly appreciate the floats more now that I’ve seen first hand the amount of work that goes into them. We were able to wander around and visit the other floats as they were being decorated. It made watching the Rose parade extra meaningful.