Though August has just begun, the signs are everywhere – it’s back-to-school time. Yes, a school education is important but let’s not forget the importance of learning outdoors. It is still summer, the days are long, and the weather is warm. Take the time to go out into nature with your children and connect with the world that God has created.
One of the ways we do this is by choosing nature-based picture books that focus on specific habitats. Then, we make a scavenger hunt and go out and explore. As we listen, see, smell, and touch, the character of God is revealed. We see His power, creativity, strength, and goodness.
by Candace Fleming illustrated by Amy Hevron Neal Porter Books: 2022
Twice daily, the tide recedes and exposes an amazing world alive with fabulous creatures. Take a look and see what you can find.
By the Editors of Storey Publishing illustrated by Oana Befort
Storey Publishing: 2019
This sturdy field guide is filled with interactive activities to help children see and learn about beach habitats. There are others in the series including On the Nature Trail, Bird Watch, and Discovering Trees.
I hope you can take time during this last month of summer to share the wonder and excitement of nature with your children.
Here’s a scavenger hunt that we created. Just copy, paste, and print for your next seaside adventure.
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