V is for Virginia and the Merfolk in Norfolk
Stories about mermaids are told around the world. I have also discovered that there are many people who like to celebrate all things mermaid.
Norfolk, Virginia is a city that certainly knows how to pay tribute to mermaids. What began as an idea to raise money for the arts has grown to become a destination for mermaid fans. There are dozens of mermaids casts that have been decorated by artists located throughout the city.
There Goes a Mermaid! is a picture book written by Lisa Suhay and illustrated by Sam Hundley which showcases many of the mermaids and even tells about their secret lives. A Mermaid Spotters Guide is included with clever tidbits of information. I like Tip #10 – when the mermaids send letters to their mermaid friends the write Merfolk, Virginia instead of Norfolk. I personally think Merfolk would be a great name of a seaside town.
You can find more information at this link for Mermaids on Parade.
Here is a link to an map if you want to go mermaid spotting.
Virginia is certainly a place that I want to visit – just to see the mermaids!
Do you know of any other places that display and celebrate mermaids?
This is the last week of the A to Z Blog Challenge so I am hosting a giveaway. You can enter to win very fun mermaid items if you post a comment this week.
Yes, I am convinced that mermaids do indeed have secret lives.
Then you’d love this book!
What’s interesting is all the images here seem to have a similar pose. Is that the official mermaid pose?
Hi Cynthia, Artist were given casts of mermaids to decorate. They were than finished (I think with fiberglass) and mounted. It is a great way to attract tourists – or at least mermaid enthusiasts.
I love the mermaids on parade! That would be a lot of fun to go see, especially with all of the different designs.
Cheers – Ellen
It would be fun to see. I’m sure the artists had a great time designing their mermaid.
This is so cool to have a city with so many artwork around mermaids. I should stop by Norfolk next time I’m in the area.
Ah, that’s nice 🙂 Mermaids everywhere in the city. and a guide to spotting mernaid! I want that!