As people surge to the polls this week, let’s not forget women’s hard-won fight for the right to vote. Today I am sharing a picture book that shines a light on three relatively unknown suffragists whose story needs to be better known. THE VOICE OF LIBERTY By Angelica Shirley Carpenter (author) and Edwin Fotheringham (illustrator) […]
Fall Writing Frenzy!
The calendar says it’s fall but here in California we’re having another heat wave with Santa Ana winds and fires! The air is filled with smoke and we are hoping for rain which is not in the forecast. But, we can all have cozy fall thoughts as we eat all of Trader Joe’s seasonal pumpkin […]
Y is for Yummy!
Y is for yummy in today’s a to z blog post for the April challenge. The Yummy Alphabet Book: Herbs, Spices, and Other Natural Flavors by Jerry Pallotta (author) and Leslie Evans (illustrator) Charlesbridge 1994 32-page nonfiction alphabet book First of all, I think Jerry Pallotta wins the prize for writing the most alphabet books. […]
H is for Hands
This year for the A to Z Blog Challenge, I am marching through the alphabet celebrating ABC books. Today I’d like to give a hand to Hands that communicate. THE HANDMADE ALPHABET by Laura Rankin (author and illustrator) Dial Books 1991 This stunning book features soft pencil illustrations of human hands signing the letters […]
While I think we should be reading aloud everyday, today is set aside by the nonprofit LitWorld, as World Read Aloud Day which spreads the word about the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories with children.highlights the profound power of reading aloud and sharing stories with children. We like holidays here at A Field Trip […]