Rosemary Wells is one of my favorite authors and her books have a special place in our classroom library. I was thrilled to discover her latest book, Stella’s Starliner, not only because I love Rosemary Wells but because I have a secret longing for a Silver Airstream Trailer.
a-z blog challenge
R is for raising readers…
I never grow tired of watching a child learn to read. It is an amazing process that has determined the course of my life. There’s so much we can do to help raise readers. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Read to your children. This is simple advice but the most important. 2. Let your […]
Q is for quotes…
I am participating the the Blogging from A to Z challenge and have made it all the way to Q! There is a lot of wisdom in children’s books. I collect quotes from my favorites. I think of them as little life lessons. Here are a few I’d like to share: […]
J is for Jellybeans
J is for Jellybeans and the Big Art Adventure by Laura Numeroff and Nate Evans, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger which I shared today with the first graders. It was a perfect follow up book to yesterday’s selection, ish. The Jellybeans are a group of girls who are different but go well together, just like jellybeans. Bitsy […]
I is for ish
I came across a perfect book for the letter I in the a-z blog challenge. ish written and illustrated by Peter Reynolds. (Candlewick) “What’s an ish?” asked the first graders. We soon found out as we learned about Ramon who loved to draw everything – including a trash can, and everywhere – even when perched […]