Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday and it has gotten even better because it is also International Book Giving Day. I can’t think of a better way for a book lover to celebrate than by giving books. There are many children who don’t have books or access to them. The purpose of International Book Giving Day […]
Celebrate this week
Yes! a little word with big possibilities
For the past few years, I have chosen a word that seems to define the life I am living at a particular time. Or, perhaps I should say, a word finds me. My one little word in 2014 was celebrate. It was a year of celebration with our first born’s wedding, our 30th anniversary, […]
A list-less day
I am a list maker. I developed this habit at an early age. My mother wrote out a “to do” list every day and kept it by the calendar. I do the same. I have lists for groceries to buy, books to read, articles and stories to write, things to repair, and places to go. […]
It’s a Marvelous Night for a (Super) Moon Dance…
Field trips that can be taken near home often are the best ones. They are usually inexpensive and don’t require a lot of planning. Tomorrow night you can take the perfect field trip just by walking out your door and looking up. There will be a super moon lunar eclipse and that is reason to […]
The right word at the right time – encouragement
Did you know that there is a National Day of Encouragement? Well, why not? There seems to be a holiday for everything. Words have power. The right word at the right time can help a person to continue a task, overcome an obstacle, or find the courage to try something new. On the other […]